Wen Xu

Dad, Husband, Physical Chemist, Programmer, Data Enthusiatist, ...

Wen is a software development scientist at Scilligence Corp where he is working on multiple projects, including ASP.NET web application development. Before he was a Senior Scientist at the Center for Aerosol & Cloud Chemistry in Aerodyne Research, Inc., where he started as a Postdoctoral Scientist and got promoted to the senior scientist position in 2017. Prior to joining Aerodyne, Wen received Doctoral Degree in Physical Chemistry from Texas A&M University, College Station in 2014. Wen is from China and earned his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Physics from University of Science & Technology of China. Along with research and production endeavors at Aerodyne, Wen has been working on software development, i.e., the desktop control software for a thermal desorption aerosol gas chromatograph instrument. Wen also loves data visualization, using dash plotly and machine learning, especially deep learning tools, such as convolutional and recurrent neural networks, to find underlying principles of interesting dataset.
